M-Green – Ruse, Bulgaria

Intercambio juvenil. 24/07/2021 - 02/08/2021

Buscamos participantes para un Intercambio juvenil:

Ruse, Bulgaria
Del 24 de julio al 2 de agosto de 2021.

Para un primer contacto en inglés, os presentamos los objetivos principales del Intercambio juvenil:

The project will focus young people’s attention on 6 of the 17 sustainable development goals that are the subject of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development adopted by all United Nations Member States. The six subjects that young people will work on are:

Quality education; Actions against climate change; Responsible consumption and production; Clean water; Good health and well-being; Life on Earth.

Given that the 17 goals are inherently a shared plan for peace and prosperity of humanity and the planet now and in the future, we believe that the subjects at the heart of our project fall into the interests of young people and will provoke them to be active, initiative and to desire for inclusion.
Given that the Sustainable Development Goals are an urgent call for action from all countries in a global partnership, young people will gain their first sense of responsibility to the community and to humanity through the activities they carry out.

This directly corresponds to the main and specific objectives of the project, namely young people to:

• increase the level of their initiative and entrepreneurship, to be encouraged to act at local and national level;
• increase the level of their public activity and defend a civil position on issues related to natural resources;
• gain more confidence in their own capabilities for real impact of processes that depend on the managerial and political will;
• increase their knowledge in various fields of high public interest in technology, recycling and the circular economy;
• improve their foreign language competencies;
• raise their intercultural awareness;

Los países participantes serán:
Portugal, España, Alemania, Turquía, Túnez, Bulgaria

Si estás interesadx, en esta página puedes encontrar el infopack y el formulario de inscripción. Si tienes alguna pregunta, no dudes en contactar con nosotras.



  • Tener un nivel de inglés medio
  • Tener interés por la temática
  • Residir en España
  • Tener más de 18 años
  • Disponer de la tarjeta sanitaria europea

Obligaciones de los participantes:

  • Participación activa (Incluyendo gestión rápida del proceso)
  • Asistencia a la formación antes de la salida (presencial o vía Skype)
  • Pago de cuota de participación no reembolsable
  • 10 horas de voluntariado con Las Niñas del Tul
  • Pago de los vuelos por adelantado (La cantidad se abonará una vez el proyecto finalice) y en un plazo de máximo 10 días tras haber sido seleccionadx
  • Enviar una noticia con fotos de manera individual antes, durante y después de la actividad