Hola! Os dejamos los resultados del proyecto “Sail the Gender mainstream” que se realizó en República Checa el pasado mes de octubre y donde enviamos a tres increíbles participantes de España en representación de Las Niñas del Tul.
CEFIG ha creado un manual maravilloso que podéis encontrar en los archivos adjuntos. Os compartimos la noticia que han subido a la web de CEFIG: https://en.cefig.cz/latest-news/sail-gender-mainstream-handbook-ready
It has been already a month since we hosted an amazing TC “Sail the Gender Mainstream” in the beautiful village of Černý Důl. Now we are ready to present a practical handbook on the topic of Gender Mainstreaming practices in youth work that we have created during the activity (see below).
We were divided into four groups and worked together to prepare all the content of the handbook. It includes the general introduction about what Gender Mainstreaming actually is and why we suggest using it in youth work. We presented ways of addressing organisational and logistic related issues to promote gender inclusion in everyday life while working with youth. The handbook includes activities that we tried out ourselves and we are sure that they are amazing to introduce while talking about gender equality with young people. In the handbook you will alsp find a detailed description of a one-day simulation “Walk of life” that is a wonderful outdoor activity that deals with the topic of gender (in)equality. Last but not least – we introduced the topic of gender inclusive language. We believe that it is extremely important to be cautious about what and how we speak and to transfer this awareness to young people, that’s why we included some practical tips on how to make your language more gender inclusive
With this handbook we wanted to demonstrate that Gender Mainstreaming concerns everyone and one does not need to have a degree or become an expert on gender studies to start using it in their work and daily life. Certainly it is very important to have basic knowledge and be aware of the most relevant concepts and ideas from the gender field, especially so for those who work with youth. But arguably it is even more important to be always open to listen, learn, reflect, embrace differences and support those who need it.
We hope you will find our handbook useful and fun!
Thanks a lot for all the participants of the project who contributed to create the content of the handbook, for Helena for making beautiful illustrations and for Fred and Julia – our amazing trainers, who made this all happen!